Podcast #12 Stop Hiding and Show Up Like a Disruptor

podcast Oct 06, 2020

Are you ready to stop hiding and show up like a disruptor?

Tamrah Barber & Company LLC is the creator and author of the XTL360 Teen Leadership Development Program, and is going to teach you how to do just that!

We are going to talk about Tamrah's disruption in life, how it impacted her, and how she thought she was content before it came.

Tamrah now works with teens and teams, helping them realize the nuances that are in their way. Because of her work, she his helping people all across our...

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Podcast #11 Communication Is Not About You

podcast Sep 21, 2020

Conversations are about listening to what the other person needs from us. 

It's so difficult to take ourselves out of it. Humans are selfish, let's face it. And after listening to this episode, we want you to start thinking about conversations with other people in a different kind of way.

Kenia’s disruption in life came when she decided to leave her corporate career and create her own business doing what she loves, and working with people SHE enjoys. Her passion is about building...

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Podcast #10 What Does Authenticity Have to do With Marketing?

podcast Sep 14, 2020

In this episode, we will learn what authenticity has to do with marketing, and how as women, we sometimes don’t give ourselves the credit we deserve.

We will be discussing disruptions in life that teach us how to really own what we bring to the table, moving into entrepreneurship and changing our way of thinking.

My guest, Titilayo Ellis, is founder and owner of Vivify Strategy. Vivify Strategy focuses on de-mystifying marketing for the entrepreneur and business owner so that they...

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Podcast #9 Are You Disruptive?

podcast Sep 06, 2020

Why is disruption necessary for change?

I recently read a book called The Disruptive Mindset by Charlene Li. I feel like I found my disruptive soulmate, you guys. This book inspired me to do this podcast episode, and talk about not only the book but also about the reasons why I decided to be disruptive, and the reasons why disruption is necessary for change or for the creation of something new. 

What does it mean to be disruptive for me? 

I was working with a coach in a group...

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Podcast #8 Gaining Visibility Through Storytelling

podcast Aug 31, 2020

In this episode, you get to hear me talk with my guest Darieth Chisolm.

Darieth is an Emmy award-winning television news anchor and host, award-winning filmmaker, and author. She has also presented on TEDx stages. She is now an empowerment and visibility coach for women who really want to maximize the power of storytelling and public speaking.  

Darieth’s disruption in life is something that she can now look back on and realized it disrupted her life to cause her to serve her...

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Podcast #3 This Is Not About Politics

podcast Aug 21, 2020

Being a woman in an elected official space is no easy task. My guest Dajuana W. Moore is going to tell us all about her journey to this race, and her disruptions in life that she didn't let stop her from becoming the woman she is today.

Dajuana disruption in life came when she was just 28 years old. She lost her husband and best friend that left her to be a widow to their 4 children. But her Mantra: Keep it moving forward, brought her to leave a legacy to her daughter’s as well as be an...

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Podcast #7 Summer Camp Takeaways

podcast Aug 17, 2020

In this episode, you get to hear me and three of my friends, Del Friday, Vonne Jacobs, Megan Whiteside discuss our experience at Summer Camp which was held virtually at Miraval, Austin Texas, hosted by Heather Hubbard, founder of Simple Courage.

We all went to the same Summer Camp but every one of us had a different takeaway, and I’m so excited to get to share with all of you what each of us took away from it.

First, we discuss Megan’s takeaway to be you unapologetically. How we...

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Podcast #6 Simple Courage

podcast Aug 17, 2020

What is Simple Courage?

In this episode, you get to hear my guest Heather Hubbard tell you just that!

Heather's brand Simple Courage is all about being bold, courageous, and brilliant. Her goal behind her brand is to push individuals as herself, to try new things and get out of their comfort zone.

Heather talks about being inspired, challenged, and in a place to constantly be taking action and being innovative. 

Heather's talks about her disruption in life from Covid-19. She...

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Podcast #5 How to Take one Small Step at a Time Towards Self Care

podcast Aug 10, 2020

Self-care is self-preservation. Believe it. Amazing advice from our guest Claudine Francoise.

Claudine is a health and wellness coach for women entrepreneurs who are looking to get more vivacity, more abundant energy in their lives. And the reason she started on this path was having to struggle with energy every day, even though she thought she was already healthy. 

Claudine had been through the struggles she saw so many other women going through. The struggle of putting yourself first...

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Podcast #4 Great Photos Begin With Intention

podcast Aug 06, 2020

Have you ever wondered what makes a Brand Photographer successful?

Have you ever been interested in getting a shoot done for you and your brand? You’re going to love hearing my guest Wendy Yalom talk about her experience getting into Brand Photography and what her goal is to give to each one of her clients. 

Wendy saw a need that was inspired by Marie Forleo! She loved the way Marie represented herself, her streets, style and playfulness in her photos, and Wendy wanted to...

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