Podcast #22 Don't Pardon the Disruption

podcast Feb 11, 2022

Welcome Back and Don't Pardon the Disruption!

I really appreciate your support and wanted to share lessons with you from 2021.

It's been a great year in Brand Disruptors and I've launched a new program called Globally Authentic Intensive.

Then in June of 2021, I ended a 16 year relationship with my significant other. To say that things were rough is an understatement. In the midst of this breakup, I hosted an event for AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) and also hosted...

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Podcast #21 Wake Up to YOU

podcast Jan 05, 2021

What does it mean to be “woken”? What does it mean for your life to be disrupted by whiteness and white supremacy? You get to find out in today's episode with my guest, SharRon Jamison.

SharRon supports women to be who they were born to be. She teaches that we don't have to settle for what society has taught and told us to be.

SharRon is sharing with us today why she is so passionate about educating and teaching people what it means to be a woman of color in today’s world....

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Podcast #20 How to Be the Queen of Your Own Life

podcast Dec 14, 2020

I told myself I was going to do something scary this year.

I asked Gina DeVee to be on my podcast! You guys, that was a big ask for me. And I tell my clients to do this, so guess what? I had to too!

Gina DeVee - the Queen of all Queens is going to be letting us in on what it means to be Queen, what mentality it takes, femininity, and how we as women all need to be living to the best of our ability. We all need to be giving ourselves permission to be who we are, have the desires that we...

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Podcast #19 Being a Badass Mom

podcast Nov 30, 2020

Being a mother is amazing and beautiful, but, like everyone knows, life gets busy. Life gets hectic. And, if you don't take the time to remember who you are, you can very easily start to lose your identity and your passions. 

My guest, Emilie Karun is mom to 4 kids, andfemale empowerment and success coach. She's helping the modern mom have it all on her terms, guilt and apology free! 

Emilie is sharing with us her story with us of how she, like so many women out there,...

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Podcast #18 The Entrepreneurial Mindset

podcast Nov 25, 2020

Are we born with an entrepreneurial mindset? No. No we’re not. 

In today’s episode, I’m going to be giving you 7 characteristics that you need to develop in order to strengthen your entrepreneurial mindset, some myths that are out there, and what you can do to help yourself out in order to do this. 

I want to share with you the things that I see stand out in successful entrepreneurs. Have you ever thought to yourself, “Maybe they’re just born like...

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Podcast #17 Creating Equity

podcast Nov 10, 2020

Are you tired of feeling like you've done everything in life that this society requires you to do to be successful, but still feel unfulfilled and undervalued?

My guest today is my client and friend, Vonne Jacobs. Vonne is principal and founder of Creating Equity LLC - a global strategic consulting firm that is committed to creating equity wherever they can in the world and every moment in every day and in every life they touch.

In today's episode, Vonne is sharing with us her...

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Podcast #16 Inspired Possibilities

podcast Nov 02, 2020

Have you ever asked yourself, "What could be possible?"

Are you open to new possibilities? Do you want to feel confident in the decisions you're making?

My guest Tami Jaffe is here to inspire you to open up to what could be possible, and be confident in the steps you are taking for your future. Tami went from VP in her corporate career to starting her own business. She is now an Author, Speaker, and Coach. 

Tami went through a disruption in her career that brought...

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Podcast #15 Are You in the Zone?

podcast Oct 26, 2020

Today I want to talk to you about something I recently discovered. And that is my zone of genius.

I discovered that I was really good at certain things, and not so good at others. And those things I wasn’t so great at were taking up too much of my day.

Why do we need to know about our zone of genius in order to create a brand? Discovering this for yourself will be a game changer. If we aren’t confident in our abilities, people can read that about us. They can tell. If you know...

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Podcast #14 With Privilege Comes Responsibility

podcast Oct 19, 2020

Are you worried about how you should be showing up for your brand right now? Wondering if marketing has changed during 2020?

In today’s episode I’m talking with my friend Natalie Davison, who runs Marrow Marketing. Marrow Marketing is a marketing communications teaching company, teaching people how to show up, and how to get their message out.

The most important part of marketing communications, and branding communications in 2020, is actually just understanding that we all...

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Podcast #13 It's a Great Time to Be Black with Blackology Coffee

podcast Oct 12, 2020

It's a great time to be black!

In today’s episode, I am speaking with my client, Lori Jones. Lori launched a coffee company in the midst of COVID after losing her full-time job earlier this year. At a time where people were holding back, scared, and uncertain.

Each month I want to highlight one of my clients to make sure that people know who they are, share their story, why they became disruptors, and how they are disrupting the status quo right now. Lori is no exception. She’s...

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