Mia LaMotte (she/her): My friend, welcome welcome to the brand, disruptors podcast.
Darieth Chisolm: Oh, it's always a delight to be here with you on your podcast. And with your listeners. Hello! Everyone.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Hi, everybody!
Mia LaMotte (she/her): For those of you who don't know. This is Darius Chisholm, one of my really good friends, and we travel across the planet to be on some adventures.
Darieth Chisolm: Have fun and play and create.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Absolutely, absolutely. And we're here to tell you today about another one. Right?
Darieth Chisolm: Really exciting, and we we are opening the doors wide open to invite you to come, play, and create with us in Toros, Santos, Mexico.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): That's right. Transformation in toto. So we'll talk about that in a few minutes. But we want to talk about Toto Santos first.st Yes.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): yes, so my friend is one of those people who do not return to a place that she's already been.
Darieth Chisolm: With the exception of totos, and that I've traveled
Darieth Chisolm: around the world and certainly around this country. But I've always said I would never go back to the same place, because there's so many things to see and do right, except that totos has such this incredible magical energy there, that is unlike any other place on the planet, and that as soon as you get there you feel yourself connected to all things in nature just so fabulous about it.
Darieth Chisolm: and you're in the desert. You've got the ocean, the mountains, the tropics beautifully warm, incredible people, and it's a calm, inviting energy, and it just feels like a place where you can just
Darieth Chisolm: take a deep breath, and that's what we love the most about. It.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Yeah, you just you do. You actually just feel like, Oh, yeah, yeah.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): I love the drive up. So you typically fly into Cabo
Mia LaMotte (she/her): and the drive up. It's about an hour from the cabo airport, right?
Mia LaMotte (she/her): But the drive up and the drive back to the airport are probably some of the most magical views that I've seen.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): because you're you're looking at the ocean over these big old mountains, right? And it and it's
Mia LaMotte (she/her): it's really hard to explain like you gotta see it to believe it. I remember one time I was on a a zoom call of all things riding back to the airport when we were leaving totals one time.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): and or I was going. We were going to pick up somebody from the airport, and I was on a zoom call, and they were like, Oh, my God! Where are you?
Mia LaMotte (she/her): I was like you would not believe this view that I'm about to come on. So I flipped the phone and let them see it, and they were just like, Oh, my God, I need to come there.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): So we're opening the doors and inviting folks to come and meet us right.
Darieth Chisolm: Yeah, and really come and relax and have a good time. And you know, give yourself the break that I'm sure you all deserve. In addition to that, we've got some incredible days of transformation planned for you, and that, I think, is also going to be equally powerful, as you kind of stepping away from your everyday, busy lives to have the time to play, and then we'll create and make some transformations happen.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Yeah. So let's talk about that. Let's talk about the retreat. And what we plan to talk about like these are, gonna be very intimate conversations. So we're looking for a group of no more than 7 women, people, women, people, people.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): people to come.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): And we're really talking about like embracing your authentic self.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): One of the reasons why I think we both love to go to totos is because we do become one with nature, and it really helps us to ground into more of who we are.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): And so we'd start off the 1st day with this conversation about being free to be yourself. I think so many of us have been
Mia LaMotte (she/her): beat up for lack of better word
Mia LaMotte (she/her): by society, by our by our relatives, by the people that we have around us, and not because they were wanting to do it intentionally. But we we've been. We've been putting on all of these layers because we thought we needed to be some kind of person in some kind of way.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): and the free to be me is like shipping away all of that, and getting down to the core of who we are like, what do you value in this world? Right? And and we're not talking about stuff we're talking about like the experiences that you get to have the relationships that you want to have
Mia LaMotte (she/her): and being free to be who you came here to be.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): So that's how we'll start this off, and then Darius is gonna jump into.
Darieth Chisolm: Yeah, I mean, we'll start that in the morning, and then in the afternoon we'll talk about awakening to you, discovering your true potential and
Darieth Chisolm: the term awakening is certainly something that you're probably seeing more often. In fact, many of you all are probably experiencing, and it's
Darieth Chisolm: I've come to understand it to be not just a 1-time experience. It's as if you are in this
Darieth Chisolm: perpetual and ongoing experience of awakening to more of who you truly are authentically are, and the aspects of that each and every day begin to grow and expand. But for some people the big question is, Okay, how do I do that? How do you awaken to yourself? Or maybe you have. How do I expand into more of that? How do I?
Darieth Chisolm: I really grow my true nature and my connection to all things.
Darieth Chisolm: not just myself, but to source God, the divine to the people in my life, to the projects in my life, to those causes that mean something to me. And I think when we can really center ourselves in understanding that proverbial or existential question of Who am I? You really drop into discovering that? And it is a journey, and trust me, it's not going to all happen in one afternoon.
Darieth Chisolm: but we get to to dive into that, and to look more deeply, and begin to walk that path towards awakening, and all of the other nuances that come along with that. So that is what we'll do. The afternoon portion. The 1st portion is free to be me with mia looking at that, and then in the second portion of the afternoon we'll be talking about awakening to you, unlocking your true potential.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Yeah. And in between the 2 sessions we will have a lovely lunch, a leisurely lunch with everyone, and really like tap into
Mia LaMotte (she/her): into nature. One of the things that I love about being in Baja. California being in that area is, there's so many
Mia LaMotte (she/her): resources, I mean, even though you're in the desert. It's amazing. Like the food is fresh. They grow it there. They get things from the ocean like. There's no reason for you not to feel energized and connected to life, because everything that we get, everything that we use is nourishing, and life giving.
Darieth Chisolm: Which is still very important. I think also you found yourselves removed from your everyday distractions in life, which is part of the reason, obviously why people go on vacation and they take receipts is so they can unplug from the busyness of their everyday lives, and then sink into an experience that is separate and apart from
Darieth Chisolm: what the experience is at home. However, one of the things that I am going to continuously advocate for people is to to once you cultivate that feeling, and that experience is to bring that home with you.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Absolutely.
Darieth Chisolm: So that it's no longer separate. But you start to anchor that frequency, that energy, that vibration into your everyday existence. And you begin using practices and techniques and intentional ways of being, so that every day you're waking up in a state of consciousness that feels
Darieth Chisolm: very much like what you
Darieth Chisolm: you felt while you were in totos. And and you know what's interesting. I bet everyone who's listening to this would probably remember a time when they were either on a vacation or away, or at a certain experience, and had this
Darieth Chisolm: time where they felt like this feels really good. I don't ever want it to end. I want to be able to take this home, and then they get home, and then all of life starts to happen. You know, I happen to believe that I think when, when we are very intentional about living in a certain way, we can
Darieth Chisolm: each and every day bring ourselves back into that state of alignment, and we'll be using some tools and techniques during that portion of really sinking into awakening to you to do some of those things so you can take them with you. Once you leave Totos.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Yay, I love a tool bag.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): It's an internal tool bag. It's not one you're gonna strap around your waist.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): That's right. It's still too bad.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): So then on day 2, we're we're gonna start the day with prosperity plus.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): And you know, as Dare was speaking, she talked about consciousness.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): and in the prosperity, plus. We're going to be talking about wealth, consciousness. Many of us, you know,
Mia LaMotte (she/her): have issues, or have, you know, a relationship with money
Mia LaMotte (she/her): or with abundance that we'd like to improve, that we'd like to deepen that we'd like to enrich. And we'll start having that conversation. The conversation about what what it really is, what prosperity really means, and what it means to live in the wealth, consciousness, what wealth, consciousness is, and how to cultivate, that even when you know your circumstances may not
Mia LaMotte (she/her): be in alignment with what you think they should be when it comes to being wealthy
Mia LaMotte (she/her): right? And then we'll take our break for lunch right? And then Darius will come in in the afternoon, and then she'll talk about
Mia LaMotte (she/her): activating a button.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Yes.
Darieth Chisolm: Yeah, we'll dive into. We'll go deeper into what? From what we've worked on in the morning and really focus on abundance and prosperity, and how we cultivate and activate abundance in our lives. A part of what? And I'll share this with you. Now, this is something after you're done listening to this podcast and going forward, you might want to be conscious about, is is literally looking around and looking at
Darieth Chisolm: the level of abundance that already exists in your life.
Darieth Chisolm: And we miss that from moment to moment, because we're so busy working on something else, or looking at the lack or the limitation, or something that's not there
Darieth Chisolm: as opposed to looking at what is, and truly appreciating what's there? Flooding that moment with a sense of appreciation for all of the abundance that already exists in your life. So that's just one of the things that we'll be looking at, doing and activating abundance and and really cultivating what I refer to as the prosperous human. So the prosperous human is a theme that we'll also be talking about as well.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Awesome. So we'll we'll do that right. So we'll have these 2 days filled with all of this good juicy information and transformation. There'll be 2 lunches that we will do with you.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Dinner will be on your own. Yes, breakfast and dinner will be on your own, but we guess what
Mia LaMotte (she/her): we're including the accommodations. So we're going to be going. We're going to be in totos during Carnival, right? So they have a small celebration
Mia LaMotte (she/her): for fat Tuesday.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): and these happen to be the dates before fat Tuesday, so March 3rd and 4th are the dates for the retreat you'd fly in on
Darieth Chisolm: Any day you want prior to that, so you can stay and play and have your own vacation for yourself. And then those 2 days is where we're going to meet and create.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Right, and we'll we'll we will cover your accommodations with your ticket. However, if you are already in the area.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): you can come to the Retreat as well. So you don't have to stay at the hotel. You can be a commuter, and you can come back and forth if you're in the Cabo area. If you are
Mia LaMotte (she/her): in Pascadera, if you are in totos any of those towns around there, you are more than.
Darieth Chisolm: It goes to each.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Close cerritos. Right? You can absolutely drive in and attend. So this is for everyone who is in the area and for folks like us that are going to be flying in right. Dairy's will be there already.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): I'll be there already, too, but she'll be there a little bit longer than me.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): But we are so excited about being able to offer this. We've always talked about doing it. Last year we had a couple of people come in and experience totos with us, and we had some private sessions with folks. We thought we would open this up to a group session, and you know, really have some deep, meaningful conversations that would absolutely help you transform
Mia LaMotte (she/her): in 2025, because what we know is like the planet, the planet is awakening, like people are awakening to themselves
Mia LaMotte (she/her): and
Mia LaMotte (she/her): to not awaken. Now you probably won't be. You might be a little miserable, right you we want to bring. We want to make sure that we're bringing you to your life.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): bringing you to the light that's within you.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): and we plan to do that in Todos Santos. So you got anything else, my friend?
Darieth Chisolm: I just want to share with people that there comes a time in our lives when, if something feels like it's in alignment, you're hearing it, and you're getting it excited. And you're thinking, oh, my God! I want to get away, especially in March, for those of you all that are in cold places. To leave the snow. Or what have you to take? A nice sunny vacation is one thing, but then to also feel in alignment to the content that we've talked about, and there's something that happens almost initially
Darieth Chisolm: that you hear yourself saying, oh, I would love to do that. Oh, that sounds like that would be amazing. That's when you follow that feeling. Most people say that. And then they look in their calendar, and they say, Oh, I don't have time, or they look in their bank account, or they say, Oh, I don't have the money, or the resources, or all of the things rush in because you allow them to to prevent you, or stop you from even exploring
Darieth Chisolm: the options. So if any of this is resonating with you, you're getting lit up about it, and we're just giving you a high level like we can share with you a lot more. And, in fact, I'm sure we're going to invite you into a phone call just to explore more about how this can serve you and your life and your business.
Darieth Chisolm: So you really can see how you're going to bridge the content into the various aspects of your life, let alone the tremendous time to be away. If it's lighting up for you right now follow it. Don't stop at. Let me go. Figure it out. There's nothing to figure out except to follow the energy that is leading you here and take the next step.
Darieth Chisolm: hop on a phone call with us to discover how this will support you. In whatever various aspects or projects that you're currently working on. Some people may not need that. Some people like me. I'm usually like when I hear it. Where's the where's the join now? Bye, now.
Darieth Chisolm: how do I do this now, Button, I don't need to go through all of that. However, if that is how you feel great, we honor that as well. But this is really about you, feeling what feels in most alignment to you, and discovering just how
Darieth Chisolm: life changing this can be for you, and it may, in fact, be just the thing that you need to move you into the next direction in your life.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Yeah, thank you for that. Yeah, we will have an application. A link to an application
Mia LaMotte (she/her): in the show notes so that you can apply to come. If this feel, if you're feeling called to it. If you'd like to get on a phone call with us prior to the application, we are more than happy to do that as well. So just let us know how we can serve you best, and we'll see you in total sentence. Yes.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): coming up soon, looking forward to it.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Hello!
Mia LaMotte (she/her): All right.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Thank you. Thank you for being here, my friend.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): and can't wait to hang out with you in totos.
Darieth Chisolm: Yeah, for sure, and thanks everyone for watching and listening. So glad you took the time to be with us, looking forward to seeing you all in totos.
Mia LaMotte (she/her): Bye.