Let's Get Visible

Let’s get visible, visible, I wanna get visible, let’s get into visible...Yes, this is to the tune  Let's Get Physical by Olivia Newton-John (we can talk about why I know this song and so many soft rock songs from the 70’s, and ’80s and my love for all that this woman is, at another time).

Ok now that I am out of the rabbit hole that video sent me down, let’s get back to why it is so important to get visible. Getting visible lets people know you are out there in the world and you have something to offer. Whether it is a course, a candle, or a coaching program, you gotta get your ass out there. I know, your brand isn’t anywhere near perfect yet -that’s why you work with me, but more importantly, you have to get started.

Becoming visible is SCARY AF! And I hate to break it to you, being broke is scarier and that’s what will happen if you don’t get out there. Visibility is the thing that gets you the sales and helps you to set yourself apart from others. Now you may be wondering how in the hell do I get visible? I don’t even know where to start.

Here are some easy ways to get started:

  1. Get on social media and let your people know what you are up to
  2. Write a newsletter or a blog like this on
  3. Start a Podcast and be a guest on one
  4. Write an article for an industry magazine
  5. Speak at an event
  6. Do a social media takeover
  7. Start a YouTube Channel and document your journey
  8. Become a Sponsor or an Affiliate Partner
  9. Join an Industry Board
  10. Join a community of like-minded people 

If you’ve been in business for a while you already know that the more people who know what you’re up to, the more likely you are to have customers. One of my biggest mistakes, when I started out, was building a website and thinking that would be enough to get people to work with me. Yes, I actually thought this. Don’t judge me. Anywho, the more you put the real you out there the better chances you have of getting the right people attracted to you.

In order to have them attracted to you, you have to be yourself at all costs. Knowing yourself well is only a small yet significant piece of the branding puzzle. You will have to be able to articulate who you are in a way that attracts the right people to you while sending the wrong one straight back to the hole from which they came.

Being yourself and becoming the best possible version of you is the most important job you have right now. In a world that has so much going on and so much noise, people want to connect with someone who has their best interest at heart. How will they know that person is you if they don’t know you exist? It’s time to get visible, visible...

P.S. If you want to get visible in a no-judgment zone, join my free FB group. I went live today to talk about how knowing your Zone Of Genius makes it more comfortable to get visible. Join us here to catch the replay
